Winter Skin

It is essential to change up your skin program during each season.  Winter can bring on various skin issues but one of the biggest problems I see is the excessive dryness winter can cause in the skin.  The surface layer of the skin loses its moisture which creates a dull, thicker look to the skin.   In order to try and fix this issue people will try to apply thicker creams to the skin which in actual fact will hold the thicker dry tissue to the surface and create an environment for yeast to build.  Chemical peels have become popular during the winter months as they will help strip away the thick layers of the skin, however, they can cause quite a bit of damage to the underlying healthy cells.  

For the winter months, I recommend adding in a more hydrating cleansing routine which will help balance the ph and help keep the water from evaporating from the skin surface. The Double Cleanse is highly recommended and incorporating my BALANCING SCRUB will do wonders to get that glowy healthy skin back. The DE MAMIEL CLEANSING DEW and CLEANSING BALM are some of the favorites at the studio. Utilizing SERUMS during this time can also be so helpful. The new AUGUSTINUS BADER SERUM is so potent you will notice a difference within days of use. The DE MAMIEL FIRST FIX with the DE MAMIEL WINTER OIL will help correct many issues in the skin. Don’t forget your eye area, lips and the neck.  

Treatments I recommend in the studio are the new EXESOMES with Microneedling both in-studio and at home. The ENVIRON needle roller to be used at home is a game-changer.  I also highly recommend oxygen infusion followed with the dome and MICRO-CURRENT with sheet masks for penetration.  I just added in the new SWISH treatment from Circadia which is a gently way of exfoliating without the damage peels can create.  The Ultimate Lift treatment is our Red Carpet treatment which utilizes different forms of Radio-frequency and Ultrasound.  If you need any help with your skin program or any questions please contact me at 

Happy Blessed New Year 
